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上一条: 你的大脑能“招架”多少朋友? 下一条: 英国4岁女孩被宠物狗袭击后死亡

        Top Ten Things Americans Agree On

We disagree about a lot of things in this country, but there are a few things we all agree on – regardless of race, religion, and political party.

According to surveys by Pew, Gallup, and General Social Survey, here are 10 things that at least 90% of Americans supposedly agree on:

1. There is a God.

2. We’re very patriotic.

3. It’s important for the government to prevent terrorism.

4. Society should make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

5. You need more than a high-school education.

6. Public schools should teach sex education.

7. It’s morally acceptable to use birth control.

8. It’s NOT morally acceptable to clone humans.

9. It’s wrong for married people to have affairs.

10. It’s our duty as Americans to always vote.





1. 世界上有上帝存在。

2. 我们是非常爱国的。

3. 防止恐怖主义对于政府来说是非常重要的。

4. 社会应该让每个人都有平等的机会获取成功。

5. 你至少要受过高中以上的教育。

6. 公立学校应该开设性教育课程。

7. 计划生育在精神上是可以接受的。

8. 克隆人类是不可接受的。

9. 婚外情是错误的。

10. 总是能够投票是美国人的权力。

    发表时间:[ 2013/12/3 ] 浏览次数: [ 2206 ]
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